الأربعاء، 12 نوفمبر 2008

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organisms on Man and Environment
The cell the unit of building and function of the living organism
Types of reproduction in living organisms
Unit 2: Matter
The atom
Electronic configuration
Element and compound
Formulae of some compounds
Chemical reactions
Unit 3: The Static Electricity
Methods of obtaining static electricity
The electroscope
The Electric field

Comparison between Plant and Animal cells

Point of Comparison
Plant Cell
Animal Cell
The nucleus
Small located on the side
Large located in the middle of the cell
The cellular wall
It has a cellular wall
It does not have a cellular wall
The plasmic membrane
It surrounds the cytoplasm
It surrounds the cytoplasm
The cytoplasm
Occupies a small size of the cell
Occupies a large size of the cell
الفجوات العصارية
Few, large in size, obvious
Small in size, not obvious
The Plastids
Plastids present
No plastids present
The central body (centrosome)
Does not exist
Exists and Contains two granules that are important in cell division.
The mitochondria
Mitochondria is present
Mitochondria is present
The Golgi apparatus
Golgi apparatus is present
Golgi apparatus is present

The nucleus: It is oval in shape.Function: It contains the hereditary substance in the form of thread-like structure called chromosomes.It is responsible for the cell functions.
Cellular wall: made out of cellulose.Function: to protect and support the cell.
Plasmic membrane: It surrounds the cytoplasm and consists of protein and fats.Function: As a semi permeable membrane, it controls the passage of elements from and to the cell.
Cytoplasm: It is a semi-liquid substance, it contains the cell vacuoles and other organelles such as : Green Plastids: Responsible for photosynthesis process.Mitochondria: Center of energy production in the cell.
Golgi Apparatus: Contains cell secretions.Endoplasmic reticulum: Interconnected cairties responsible for connecting the cell components together.

The Animal cell

Structure of the Animal cell :
If you examine an animal cell by scraping the cell membrane lining the mouth under the microscope, you find that it consists of :
Plasmic membrane: A semi permeable membrane surrounding the cytoplasm.Function: protects the cell and controls the passage of elements from and to the cell.
The nucleus:It is oval in shape and contains the hereditary substances called chromosomes.Function: controls the cell fuctions and is responsible for cell division.
Cytoplasm: It is a semi-liquid substance, it contains the cell vacuoles and other organelles such as : Mitochondria: Center of energy production in the cell.Golgi Apparatus: Contains cell secretions.
Endoplasmic reticulum: Interconnected cairties responsible for connecting the cell components together.The centrosome (central body): Contains two granules, each plays an important role in cell division.

Who is responsible for transfering the hereditary charaters in humans?
The nucleus is responsible for transfering the hereditary charaters in humans.